(--.) The farther we are from our hometowns, and from those who know all our faults and that which makes us both slavish and mortal, the better we are perceived. Most people aren't aware of this, but I actually have somewhat of a cult following in a small village in Madagascar. They are promulgating my legend among their people and several neighboring communities as we speak, they tell me, but they need more donations. Apparently there's traveling expenses and printing costs I didn't foresee when I became involved with them. But their accountant has been both accurate and thorough w/ the statements he has sent me, and I believe in the urgency of this cause, so my money has been well spent.
"If you lend someone $20, and never see that person again, it was probably worth it." -- Author Unknown
('') Death needs nothing but its own dark humor; death is stuffing turkeys and wearing latex gloves tonight; death will assail the boudoir in grandmother's bloomers
come midnight.
(*) Ya ever notice that the more you try to cure someone of the character flaws that most become them, the more you actually drive them back into themselves, thus enhancing what you wished most to eradicate in the first place?
In other words, "You can drive out nature w/ a pitchfork, but she always returns." -- Horace
And when she does return she returns in full fury.
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