<-- Picasso - The Three Musicians - The more you look at it the better and funnier Picasso gets. This is what I want my poems to read like.
(^^) Below is a sonnet about my great-grandpa Rudy. I don't know much about him - he died in 1936-7? I know this:
He lived near Frankfurt in Germany. He was a butcher. When my grandma was about 2-3 he cheated on his wife with the housekeeper at the hotel/butcher shop his father owned. He stood to inherit the hotel. When he found out the housekeeper was pregnant he trashed his inheritance stole money from the cash register and fled for America (Chicago) to avoid what if any scandals?
In Chicago he opened a butcher shop somewhere & sold Oscar Meyer wieners on the side.
W/in a year he paid back the money he stole from the cash register + interest.
He had the 1st motor-car in Oswego. A couple years later when everyone had one he had three.
He weighed 300lbs.
When he went back to Germany in the 30s (to visit) Hitler was in power and you weren't supposed to buy from Jewish merchants. He thought that was bullshit and bought from them anyway. He did what he wanted, hated rules. Here's the rest of him/his story:
Rudolph Knapp
(see: Slipstream Aug. '09)
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