i don't think i have what it takes to be an official blogger yet. i just don't have the ambition or self-love or whatever it is. something about there being precisely twomenandamidget reading this doesn't help much either... but i will try to dredge up my voice. drinking beers (or blue nun qualitatswein-kudos-bottle cost $4.50) helps. the fact that i'm a slow typist (and reader and talker) doesn't.
**** by the way, i heard kerouac was an incredibly fast and proficient typer. that's great. what a gift the sonofabitch had to be able to do that. some people are just marvelously gifted and ya know...,THE STUPIDASS SHOULD'VE BEEN A GODDAMNEDSECRETARY... HE COULDN'T WRITE HIS WAY OUT OF A PROPER
here's a political conversation i overheard today:
person #1. "i just have a problem with people who are so adamant about saving the life of a two week young fetus (which is basically almost a tadpole), but don't give a shit about a twentyyearold vet who is maimed for life, or the family of any dead soldier... don't give a shit... yet the same fuckers have the gall to traipse around in camouflage hunter's garb, because they think there's nothing wrong with murdering animals (or wounding them for life) because it's a socalled known fact animals have neither feelings nor souls..."
person#2: "i know, i hate christians.
#1: i was actually talking about republicans.
#2: there's a difference?
#1: there's republicans who aren't christians, but not the other way around.
#2: well the christians are the worst of the bunch. the born agains.
1: i call 'em born again phonies..hypocrites.introduce me to one who isn't and we'll talk.
2: forget the hypocrite thing. they're sociopaths. they just know how to hide their monstrous souls well. with them, everything's about them & feeding the goat within.don't be misguided.
1: i won't