Friday, February 29, 2008

Maxims & Reflections

^^^^ Here's some winesoaked maxims & reflections:

Never trust a man named
Bobby or Billy or Ricky

The weak will remain weak and the
strong will only appear that way

Fools are often better
educators than wisemen

It's better to compete with birds
and beasts and flowers than with men

Most men bloom swift, (somewhere between
ages 16-22) then spend the
rest of their lives

Consciousness is the shit-rift
between dream & death

Life is for the most part biding
your time being in time and

Wait until your dreams are as
ready for you as you are for
them; dreamchasing is a tender
act & cannot be forced

When dreams begin to write themselves
in legalese I will commit hari-kari

Putrid egos bulge
and pander for popular

Egos eat themselves like second growths

Any dolt can (and does) have a
conviction regarding politics

The whisper of
oblivion is the breath eternal

Man plants his germs in the machinery
of the universe

Some hells are worse for their

You must wear the
albatross of the people

Spirit & Body will never
one another
if they go looking

God made man on a Friday
his failures are ours

(he had the courage of matzo balls)

Friday, February 15, 2008

I'm So Fucking ~~~~ kunk

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