I just found out my (2nd or 3rd or 4th?) cousin Lilo Beil is now (this week) a best selling author in Germany. Her book is called Gottes Muhlen, i.e. God's Mills, i.e. "The mills of the gods grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly small" - also one of my favorite ancient (Greek?) quotations.
Here is her book description half-translated from German by computer:
Friedrich Gontard, young, well looking, melancholischem view, is Kriminalkommissar and the clearing-up of a child murder in the südpfälzischen province is assigned. It is the year 1957. The Gontard still traumatisierte by the war dips into Pfaffenbronn into a Mikrokosmos, which seems to lag behind as in a time journey ten years. The young man from education-civil Frankfurt house here everything is not free and open enough. The tendency in the village brews itself together. The murder the outsider Otto Straub is suspected. More is here not betrayed
for lilo beil
my 2nd or 3rd or 4th cousin
everyone should go out and get
Gottes Muhlen
it reads in German
but it reads
lilo also wrote a story
about my great-
was a butcher hawked
wieners in Chicago
& fled Germany w/ wife & kid
after sticking his
in the maid
- how
could you not wanna write
something about a guy
such as
for lilo & my fodder's mutters fodder
great-grandpa Rudy Knapp
wiener-broker, Chicago's finest.
* I saw the above Picasso in MOMA (NYC) last week. One of my all time faves. It's called Harlequin.